Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Life

This post is just a written piece that I thought of from the top of my head. This piece is based on the perspectives of 3 different individuals who share something in common.

Let us start with Christian Brown. Christian is an average man working as an accountant. He makes a steady income and lives a somewhat decent life. Now, you may think that life is just all peaches and cream for him but instead, it has many flaws. His wife left him and took their 3 children because he was more devoted to his job rather than his family. He spends hours and hours in his office doing taxes and other paperwork without any resting time. Loneliness and frustration begins to kill him inside as life just takes a downturn for him. At this point he does not know what to do. Is it his job that's stressing him out or the break-up of his family? Who knows, it could be both. Should he give up his job and patch things up with his wife or should he just lie down and die?

Now, we move on to Isis Green. Isis is a young woman who comes from a middle-class family. She's currently unemployed and makes no use of her life whatsoever. All she does is party, drink, smoke and engages in "late night activities". Life is whatever to her, she dropped out of school and her relationship with her parents is not so great. She needs some motivation, perhaps a guardian angel who can pull her out from her troubles. But it all comes down to her. It's either she makes an effort to put her life back together or she can continue digging up a deeper hole for herself. The choice is hers.

Last, but not least, is Rolland Smith. Rolland was an honor student who threw away his ambitions and traded his books for weaponry. Instead of becoming a somebody, he's now a nobody. He exposed himself to a life of crime, violence, and gang-related acts. It's not too late for him to turn his life around because he's young; but the temptation of the outside world begins to swallow him whole. As bad as life unravels itself, he must fight through the obstacles to find that person he once was. I believe everyone has some good in them, it just takes alot of initiative to find that inner self. Most of the time it can be quite difficult because there's always something that prevents an individual from reaching that goal. A person who lives off drugs and alcohol wants to give it up, but addiction as him/her weak, therefore making it extremely complicated to hit that changing point. As for Rolland, he's got lots to learn and a future head of him. The first step is to give up and weed out the undesirable lifestyle he has and start fresh. From there, he knows what to do. All is in his hands.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste and dignity is a terrible thing to lose. Sometimes in life you have to put up with a lot to get by, build your ego to stay strong, cut out the people and things that possess no value to you, humble yourself to live pure, know what it's like to lose first before you win, seize as much opportunities to make it to the top, and to walk the lone path of independence to avoid disappointment.......

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Child's Cry

A third world country is where it all begins. This country houses thousands of residents. The main focus is set on a fully complete family. This family lives an extremely poor life in a decaying shack with no money in their pockets. One day the father dies and the mother is now left with the children. She is unable to take care of them all by herself. She tries her hardest to accomplish the task but fails. Despite her failure, she makes every endeavor to stand tall and strong. Without warning, she is taken away and is now one with a casket. She rests side by side with her deceased husband; while pleading to God from her grave to watch her beloved children. Her children are now forced to manage on their own.

 The three offspring wander the sandy roads seeking help so they can get back on their feet. Their calls are being ignored by the outside world, which is their only source. Nobody seems to care for these children. Not even a single person with enough decency can come to their rescue. These children have no choice but to sleep on the filthy streets. They have no parents, no food, no shelter, or anyone who will take them in as their own. These children lie there motionless as they are showered with rain. Their bodies are soaked with water and their faces are soaked in tears. They cry for help but nobody wants to play the "guardian angel".

Who will help them? Who will come to their aid? Who will reach out and lift them up from exile? People expect so much in life that they refuse to help others who are in need. Remember that we are what keeps this world living on. Destroy one person, and we destroy all. Eventually, a door will open up for these unfortunate children. One day, someone will find them, love them, and cherish them. As for the people who consist of selfishness and greed; may they get more than what they bargained for.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


He wakes up in a dark world. While realizing he's no longer in his bedroom, he questions himself. "Where am I?" He wanders the dark streets; looks around and analyzes his surroundings. It's like something he's never seen before. He spots a homeless man sitting at the side of the road drinking a bottle of rum. He looks to his left and sees a wealthy man in proper attire carrying a briefcase. At this point, millions of thoughts race past his mind. His first impression leads him to believe that this man has all the money in the world. He sure isn't Donald Trump but he looks like he's got potential. How do we know he's rich? He could have been attending a business meeting or something but who knows?

He proceeds further and sees a young woman holding her dead son in her arms. While her son's decapitated body sheds blood, her face sheds tears. The young woman clutches and holds him tight while she caresses his gunshot wounds in pain and sorrow. The young man proceeds through the dark streets and shivers relentlessly. Is he cold? How do you know it's the weather affecting him? It could be fear making his blood run cold. Whatever it is, it has his veins ready to burst and his whole body weakened. He comes across a group of drug dealers and junkies. Well all know what activity they are engaging in so there's no need to go into further detail. His mind floods with temptation. Should he give in and join the group or disregard what's in front of him? He follows his conscience and proceeds; ignoring the group of drug dealers and junkies.

He starts feeling a sensation of tranquility. Could it be tranquility or a doorway to a deadly surprise? Hey....they say life is full of surprises....afterall, we expect surprises at some point in our life don't we? Why call them surprises? Sometimes people are unaware of their subconscious. They say one thing, but do the other. At this point, the young man has no idea what's in store for him. He has no knowledge of what's happening to him. Is this his destiny? What is destiny? Define it. Destiny is a predetermined course of events. No matter what path you take; whether you decide to cross through the dirt roads or the paved highway, you'll end up at that destination because it was meant to be. Destiny can only be changed if a different approach is taken. Which approach will he take? Will it be the right one? Life or death? Success or failure? Only God knows what's waiting at the end of the trail.

Now, let's rewind back to the beginning of the chapter. Let's retrace the footsteps. All those occurrences he witnessed is symbolic of something important. The wealthy man, the woman and her son, the drug dealers.....all results of the decisions people make in life. What they experience becomes their destiny because they chose that particular path and lived through it. Doesn't everybody have an ambition? People make mistakes....are they really mistakes though? What happened to the phrase, "Everything happens for a reason?" Think long and hard about that.

Moral of the story: Make good use of your life. Do not....I repeat, DO NOT befriend the one we call "Downfall". Make progress, not lost ambitions. Take footsteps that will actually lead you somewhere, not towards a dead end. Strive for success and achieve something great. It's only a matter of time until life really hits us. It can happen at anytime so expect the unexpected. In order to play your cards right, you must use the full deck. Death is easy because life is hard; but embrace life as it unfolds so you can die a happy person, not a miserable individual rotting away like a wilted rose. Stay true to yourself, make sensible decisions, avoid senseless people, take the right footsteps and you'll be where you need to be.